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MTT Noante
MTT Pfante
MTT Hi/Lo Noante

Betsize illustration

Stack depth, Ante 50BB, 12,5% ante (postflop)
Rake structure 0% - 0BB CAP
Raise first in size 2,5BB - SB rfi 3BB (POT)
3bet size 100% (POT) WITHOUT ANTES!
Additional info
raise first in/open-raise:
Hero's decision point when everybody folded before him.
rfi i Fold Call Raise

Big Blind versus Small Blind:
In this category you can find various BB vs SB situations, here you can find the explanations:
v SB o: Hero's decision point on the BB against a SB open-raise
v SB l: Hero’s decision point on the BB against a SB limp (call)
v BB iso: Hero’s decision point after he limped the SB and the BB raised
v SB lr: Hero’s decision point on the BB after he raised against a SB limp and the SB reraised
SB lr v BB 4bet: Hero’s decision point on the SB after he limp/raised against the BB iso and the BB 4bet (raised again)
v SB 5bet after lr: Hero’s decision point on the BB after he 4bet against the SB limp/raise and the SB 5bet (raised again)
BB vs SB i Fold Call/Ch Raise
v SB o
v SB I
v BB iso
v SB Ir
SB Ir v BB 4bet

BU after limp:
BU v SB iso BB-: Hero’s decision point after he limped the BU the SB raised and the BB folded
BU v SB iso BB+: Hero’s decision point after he limped the BU the SB raised and the BB called
BU v BB iso: Hero’s decision point after he limped the BU the SB folded and the BB raised
BU v SB l & BBiso: Hero’s decision point after he limped the BU the SB called and the BB raised.
BU v BB 3b SBiso: Hero’s decision point after he limped the BU the SB raised and the BB reraised.
vs BU limp:
SB v BU l: Hero's decision point on the SB after the BU opted to limp
BB v BU l: Hero's decision point on the BB after the BU opted to limp and the SB folded
BB v BU & SB l: Hero's decision point on the BB after the BU opted to limp and the SB limped as well
SB after overlimp:
SB l v BB is BU+: Hero's decision point after he limped also after the BU limped, the BB raised and the BU called
SB l v BU 3b BBiso: Hero's decision point after he limped also after the BU limped, the BB raised and the BU reraised
SB after ISO:
SB iso v BB- & BU lr: Hero's decision point after he raised against a BU limp, the BB folded and the BU reraised
SB iso v BB+ & BU lr: Hero's decision point after he raised against a BU limp, the BB called and the BU reraised
SB iso v BB 3b: Hero's decision point after he raised against a BU limp, the BB reraised and the BU folded
BB after ISO:
BB iso v BU lr: Hero's decision point after he raised against a BU limp and the BU reraised
BB iso v BU lr SB-: Hero's decision point after he raised against a BU & SB limp, the BU reraised and the SB folded
BB iso v BU+ & SB lr: Hero's decision point after he raised against a BU & SB limp, the BU called and the SB reraised
BU after limp i Fold Call Raise
BU v SB iso BB-
v SB iso BB+
v BB iso
v SB l & BBiso
v BB 3b SBiso
vs BU limp i Fold Call/Ch Raise
SB v BU l
BB v BU l
v BU & SB l
v SB iso
SB after overlimp i Fold Call Raise
SB l v BB iso BU+
v BU 3b BBiso
SB after ISO i Fold Call Raise
SB iso v BB - & BU lr
v BB + & BU lr
v BB 3b
BB after ISO i Fold Call Raise
BB iso v BU lr
v BU lr SB-
v BU+ & SB lr

raise first in versus squeeze:
Hero's decision point after his open-raise got flat called by one opponent, another opponent reraised and everybody else folded.
[MP v SB sq BU] – Hero's decision point after he opened from MP, BU flat called, SB reraised.
rfi vs sqz i Fold Call Raise
UTG v BU sq MP
v SB sq BU
MP v BU sq CO
v SB sq BU
CO v SB sq BU
v BB sq SB/BU
BU v BB sq SB

hero flat call versus squeeze:
Hero's decision point after he flat called an open-raise and another opponent reraised.
[BU v SB sq CO +] - Hero's decision point on the BU after he flat called a CO open-raise, SB reraised and the CO called.
[BU v SB sq CO -] - Hero's decision point on the BU after he flat called a CO open-raise, SB reraised and the CO folded.
herofc vs sqz i Fold Call Raise
MP v BU sq UTG+
v BU sq UTG-
v SB sq UTG+
v SB sq UTG-
CO v BU sq UTG+
v BU sq UTG-
v SB sq UTG+
v SB sq UTG-
BU v SB sq UTG+
v SB sq UTG-
v SB sq CO+
v SB sq CO-
SB v BB sq MP+
v BB sq MP-
v BB sq CO+
v BB sq CO-
v BB sq BU+
v BB sq BU-

herosqueeze versus over4bet:
Hero's decision point after he raised against an open-raise and a flat call, the initial open-raiser 4bet (reraised again) and the flat caller folded.
[BB sq v BUo4b] - Hero's decision point after he raised against a BU open & SB flat call, the BU 4bet and the SB folded.
herosqz vs over4b i Fold Call Raise
CO sq v UTGo4b
BU sq v MPo4b
SB sq v COo4b
BB sq v BUo4b

raise first in versus cold4bet:
Hero's decision point after his open-raise got reraised by one opponent and reraised again by another opponent.
[UTG v CO] - Hero's decision point after his UTG open-raise was reraised by MP and reraised again by CO.
rfi vs cold4b i Fold Call Raise
versus open:
Hero's decision point against a villain open-raise and no flat calls.
[BU v MP o] - Hero's decision point on the BU against an MP open-raise.
vs open i Fold Call Raise
MP v UTG o
CO v UTG o
v MP o
BU v UTG o
v MP o
v CO o
SB v UTG o
v MP o
v CO o
v BU o
BB v UTG o
v MP o
v CO o
v BU o

versus flat call & raise first in:
Hero's decision point against an open-raise and a flat call.
[BU v UTG/MP] - Hero's decision point on the BU against an UTG open-raise and an MP flat call.
vs fc & rfi i Fold Call Raise

versus 3bet:
Hero's decision point against an open-raise and a reraise.
[BB v MP 3b UTG] - Hero's decision point on the BB against an UTG open-raise and an MP reraise.
vs 3bet i Fold Call Raise
CO v MP 3b UTG
BU v MP 3b UTG
v CO 3b MP
SB v MP 3b UTG
v BU 3b MP
v BU 3b CO
BB v MP 3b UTG
v BU 3b MP
v BU 3b CO
v SB 3b UTG
v SB 3b CO
v SB 3b BU

versus cold4bet:
Hero's decision point against a cold4bet. This means an open-raise got reraised twice before hero comes to act.
[BB v SBc4bBU] - Hero's decision point after the SB 4bet against the BU who reraised the CO open-raise.
vs cold4b i Fold Call Raise
BU v COc4bMP
SB v BUc4bCO
BB v SBc4bBU
raise first in versus 3bet:
Hero's decision point after his open-raise got reraised by an opponent and everybody else folded.
[CO v SB 3b] – Hero's decision point after he opened from the CO and the SB reraised.
rfi vs 3bet i Fold Call Raise
UTG v MP 3b
v CO 3b
v BU 3b
v SB 3b
v BB 3b
MP v CO 3b
v BU 3b
v SB 3b
v BB 3b
CO v BU 3b
v SB 3b
v BB 3b
BU v SB 3b
v BB 3b
SB v BB 3b

3bet versus over4bet:
Hero's decision point after he reraised an open-raise and the open-raiser 4bet (reraised again)
[SB v MPo4b] - Hero's decision point on the SB after he reraised an MP open-raise and MP 4bet.
3bet vs over4b i Fold Call Raise
MP v UTGo4b
CO v UTGo4b
v MPo4b
BU v UTGo4b
v MPo4b
v COo4b
SB v UTGo4b
v MPo4b
v COo4b
v BUo4b
BB v UTGo4b
v MPo4b
v COo4b
v BUo4b
v SBo4b

3bet versus cold4bet:
Hero's decision point after he reraised an open-raise, another opponent 4bet (reraised again) and the initial open-raiser folded.
[SB3b MP v BBc4b] - Hero's decision point on the SB after he reraised an MP open-raise, the BB 4bet, and the MP folded.
3bet vs cold4b i Fold Call Raise
MP3b UTG v BUc4b
UTG v SBc4b
CO3b MP v BUc4b
MP v SBc4b
BU3b UTG v SBc4b
MP v SBc4b
CO v SBc4b
SB3B MP v BBc4b
CO v BBc4b
BU v BBc4b

3bet versus cold4bet:
Hero's decision point after he reraised an open-raise, another opponent 4bet (reraised again) and the initial open-raiser cold-called the 4bet.
[SB v BBc4b&BUcc] - Hero's decision point on the SB after he reraised a BU open-raise, the BB 4bet, and the BU cold-called the 4bet.
3bet vs cold4b&cc i Fold Call Raise
MP v SBc4b&UTGcc
CO v SBc4b&MPcc
BU v SBc4b&COcc
SB v BBc4b&BUcc
raise first in/open-raise:
Hero's decision point when everybody folded before him.
rfi i Fold Call Raise

Big Blind versus Small Blind:
In this category you can find various BB vs SB situations, here you can find the explanations:
v SB o: Hero's decision point on the BB against a SB open-raise
v SB l: Hero’s decision point on the BB against a SB limp (call)
v BB iso: Hero’s decision point after he limped the SB and the BB raised
v SB lr: Hero’s decision point on the BB after he raised against a SB limp and the SB reraised
SB lr v BB 4bet: Hero’s decision point on the SB after he limp/raised against the BB iso and the BB 4bet (raised again)
v SB 5bet after lr: Hero’s decision point on the BB after he 4bet against the SB limp/raise and the SB 5bet (raised again)
BB vs SB i Fold Call/Ch Raise
v SB o
v SB I
v BB iso
v SB Ir
SB Ir v BB 4bet

BU after limp:
BU v SB iso BB-: Hero’s decision point after he limped the BU the SB raised and the BB folded
BU v SB iso BB+: Hero’s decision point after he limped the BU the SB raised and the BB called
BU v BB iso: Hero’s decision point after he limped the BU the SB folded and the BB raised
BU v SB l & BBiso: Hero’s decision point after he limped the BU the SB called and the BB raised.
BU v BB 3b SBiso: Hero’s decision point after he limped the BU the SB raised and the BB reraised.
vs BU limp:
SB v BU l: Hero's decision point on the SB after the BU opted to limp
BB v BU l: Hero's decision point on the BB after the BU opted to limp and the SB folded
BB v BU & SB l: Hero's decision point on the BB after the BU opted to limp and the SB limped as well
SB after overlimp:
SB l v BB is BU+: Hero's decision point after he limped also after the BU limped, the BB raised and the BU called
SB l v BU 3b BBiso: Hero's decision point after he limped also after the BU limped, the BB raised and the BU reraised
SB after ISO:
SB iso v BB- & BU lr: Hero's decision point after he raised against a BU limp, the BB folded and the BU reraised
SB iso v BB+ & BU lr: Hero's decision point after he raised against a BU limp, the BB called and the BU reraised
SB iso v BB 3b: Hero's decision point after he raised against a BU limp, the BB reraised and the BU folded
BB after ISO:
BB iso v BU lr: Hero's decision point after he raised against a BU limp and the BU reraised
BB iso v BU lr SB-: Hero's decision point after he raised against a BU & SB limp, the BU reraised and the SB folded
BB iso v BU+ & SB lr: Hero's decision point after he raised against a BU & SB limp, the BU called and the SB reraised
BU after limp i Fold Call Raise
BU v SB iso BB-
v SB iso BB+
v BB iso
v SB l & BBiso
v BB 3b SBiso
vs BU limp i Fold Call/Ch Raise
SB v BU l
BB v BU l
v BU & SB l
v SB iso
SB after overlimp i Fold Call Raise
SB l v BB iso BU+
v BU 3b BBiso
SB after ISO i Fold Call Raise
SB iso v BB - & BU lr
v BB + & BU lr
v BB 3b
BB after ISO i Fold Call Raise
BB iso v BU lr
v BU lr SB-
v BU+ & SB lr

raise first in versus 3bet:
Hero's decision point after his open-raise got reraised by an opponent and everybody else folded.
[CO v SB 3b] – Hero's decision point after he opened from the CO and the SB reraised.
rfi vs 3bet i Fold Call Raise
UTG v MP 3b
v CO 3b
v BU 3b
v SB 3b
v BB 3b
MP v CO 3b
v BU 3b
v SB 3b
v BB 3b
CO v BU 3b
v SB 3b
v BB 3b
BU v SB 3b
v BB 3b
SB v BB 3b

raise first in versus squeeze:
Hero's decision point after his open-raise got flat called by one opponent, another opponent reraised and everybody else folded.
[MP v SB sq BU] – Hero's decision point after he opened from MP, BU flat called, SB reraised.
rfi vs sqz i Fold Call Raise
UTG v BU sq MP
v SB sq BU
MP v BU sq CO
v SB sq BU
CO v SB sq BU
v BB sq SB/BU
BU v BB sq SB

hero flat call versus squeeze:
Hero's decision point after he flat called an open-raise and another opponent reraised.
[BU v SB sq CO +] - Hero's decision point on the BU after he flat called a CO open-raise, SB reraised and the CO called.
[BU v SB sq CO -] - Hero's decision point on the BU after he flat called a CO open-raise, SB reraised and the CO folded.
herofc vs sqz i Fold Call Raise
MP v BU sq UTG+
v BU sq UTG-
v SB sq UTG+
v SB sq UTG-
CO v BU sq UTG+
v BU sq UTG-
v SB sq UTG+
v SB sq UTG-
BU v SB sq UTG+
v SB sq UTG-
v SB sq CO+
v SB sq CO-
SB v BB sq MP+
v BB sq MP-
v BB sq CO+
v BB sq CO-
v BB sq BU+
v BB sq BU-

herosqueeze versus over4bet:
Hero's decision point after he raised against an open-raise and a flat call, the initial open-raiser 4bet (reraised again) and the flat caller folded.
[BB sq v BUo4b] - Hero's decision point after he raised against a BU open & SB flat call, the BU 4bet and the SB folded.
herosqz vs over4b i Fold Call Raise
CO sq v UTGo4b
BU sq v MPo4b
SB sq v COo4b
BB sq v BUo4b

raise first in versus cold4bet:
Hero's decision point after his open-raise got reraised by one opponent and reraised again by another opponent.
[UTG v CO] - Hero's decision point after his UTG open-raise was reraised by MP and reraised again by CO.
rfi vs cold4b i Fold Call Raise

versus cold4bet:
Hero's decision point against a cold4bet. This means an open-raise got reraised twice before hero comes to act.
[BB v SBc4bBU] - Hero's decision point after the SB 4bet against the BU who reraised the CO open-raise.
vs cold4b i Fold Call Raise
BU v COc4bMP
SB v BUc4bCO
BB v SBc4bBU
versus open:
Hero's decision point against a villain open-raise and no flat calls.
[BU v MP o] - Hero's decision point on the BU against an MP open-raise.
vs open i Fold Call Raise
MP v UTG o
CO v UTG o
v MP o
BU v UTG o
v MP o
v CO o
SB v UTG o
v MP o
v CO o
v BU o
BB v UTG o
v MP o
v CO o
v BU o

versus flat call & raise first in:
Hero's decision point against an open-raise and a flat call.
[BU v UTG/MP] - Hero's decision point on the BU against an UTG open-raise and an MP flat call.
vs fc & rfi i Fold Call Raise

3bet versus over4bet:
Hero's decision point after he reraised an open-raise and the open-raiser 4bet (reraised again)
[SB v MPo4b] - Hero's decision point on the SB after he reraised an MP open-raise and MP 4bet.
3bet vs over4b i Fold Call Raise
MP v UTGo4b
CO v UTGo4b
v MPo4b
BU v UTGo4b
v MPo4b
v COo4b
SB v UTGo4b
v MPo4b
v COo4b
v BUo4b
BB v UTGo4b
v MPo4b
v COo4b
v BUo4b
v SBo4b

versus 3bet:
Hero's decision point against an open-raise and a reraise.
[BB v MP 3b UTG] - Hero's decision point on the BB against an UTG open-raise and an MP reraise.
vs 3bet i Fold Call Raise
CO v MP 3b UTG
BU v MP 3b UTG
v CO 3b MP
SB v MP 3b UTG
v BU 3b MP
v BU 3b CO
BB v MP 3b UTG
v BU 3b MP
v BU 3b CO
v SB 3b UTG
v SB 3b CO
v SB 3b BU

3bet versus cold4bet:
Hero's decision point after he reraised an open-raise, another opponent 4bet (reraised again) and the initial open-raiser folded.
[SB3b MP v BBc4b] - Hero's decision point on the SB after he reraised an MP open-raise, the BB 4bet, and the MP folded.
3bet vs cold4b i Fold Call Raise
MP3b UTG v BUc4b
UTG v SBc4b
CO3b MP v BUc4b
MP v SBc4b
BU3b UTG v SBc4b
MP v SBc4b
CO v SBc4b
SB3B MP v BBc4b
CO v BBc4b
BU v BBc4b

3bet versus cold4bet:
Hero's decision point after he reraised an open-raise, another opponent 4bet (reraised again) and the initial open-raiser cold-called the 4bet.
[SB v BBc4b&BUcc] - Hero's decision point on the SB after he reraised a BU open-raise, the BB 4bet, and the BU cold-called the 4bet.
3bet vs cold4b&cc i Fold Call Raise
MP v SBc4b&UTGcc
CO v SBc4b&MPcc
BU v SBc4b&COcc
SB v BBc4b&BUcc
raise first in/open-raise:
Hero's decision point when everybody folded before him.
rfi i Fold Call Raise

Big Blind versus Small Blind:
In this category you can find various BB vs SB situations, here you can find the explanations:
v SB o: Hero's decision point on the BB against a SB open-raise
v SB l: Hero’s decision point on the BB against a SB limp (call)
v BB iso: Hero’s decision point after he limped the SB and the BB raised
v SB lr: Hero’s decision point on the BB after he raised against a SB limp and the SB reraised
SB lr v BB 4bet: Hero’s decision point on the SB after he limp/raised against the BB iso and the BB 4bet (raised again)
v SB 5bet after lr: Hero’s decision point on the BB after he 4bet against the SB limp/raise and the SB 5bet (raised again)
BB vs SB i Fold Call/Ch Raise
v SB o
v SB I
v BB iso
v SB Ir
SB Ir v BB 4bet

BU after limp:
BU v SB iso BB-: Hero’s decision point after he limped the BU the SB raised and the BB folded
BU v SB iso BB+: Hero’s decision point after he limped the BU the SB raised and the BB called
BU v BB iso: Hero’s decision point after he limped the BU the SB folded and the BB raised
BU v SB l & BBiso: Hero’s decision point after he limped the BU the SB called and the BB raised.
BU v BB 3b SBiso: Hero’s decision point after he limped the BU the SB raised and the BB reraised.
vs BU limp:
SB v BU l: Hero's decision point on the SB after the BU opted to limp
BB v BU l: Hero's decision point on the BB after the BU opted to limp and the SB folded
BB v BU & SB l: Hero's decision point on the BB after the BU opted to limp and the SB limped as well
SB after overlimp:
SB l v BB is BU+: Hero's decision point after he limped also after the BU limped, the BB raised and the BU called
SB l v BU 3b BBiso: Hero's decision point after he limped also after the BU limped, the BB raised and the BU reraised
SB after ISO:
SB iso v BB- & BU lr: Hero's decision point after he raised against a BU limp, the BB folded and the BU reraised
SB iso v BB+ & BU lr: Hero's decision point after he raised against a BU limp, the BB called and the BU reraised
SB iso v BB 3b: Hero's decision point after he raised against a BU limp, the BB reraised and the BU folded
BB after ISO:
BB iso v BU lr: Hero's decision point after he raised against a BU limp and the BU reraised
BB iso v BU lr SB-: Hero's decision point after he raised against a BU & SB limp, the BU reraised and the SB folded
BB iso v BU+ & SB lr: Hero's decision point after he raised against a BU & SB limp, the BU called and the SB reraised
BU after limp i Fold Call Raise
BU v SB iso BB-
v SB iso BB+
v BB iso
v SB l & BBiso
v BB 3b SBiso
vs BU limp i Fold Call/Ch Raise
SB v BU l
BB v BU l
v BU & SB l
v SB iso
SB after overlimp i Fold Call Raise
SB l v BB iso BU+
v BU 3b BBiso
SB after ISO i Fold Call Raise
SB iso v BB - & BU lr
v BB + & BU lr
v BB 3b
BB after ISO i Fold Call Raise
BB iso v BU lr
v BU lr SB-
v BU+ & SB lr

versus open:
Hero's decision point against a villain open-raise and no flat calls.
[BU v MP o] - Hero's decision point on the BU against an MP open-raise.
vs open i Fold Call Raise
MP v UTG o
CO v UTG o
v MP o
BU v UTG o
v MP o
v CO o
SB v UTG o
v MP o
v CO o
v BU o
BB v UTG o
v MP o
v CO o
v BU o

versus flat call & raise first in:
Hero's decision point against an open-raise and a flat call.
[BU v UTG/MP] - Hero's decision point on the BU against an UTG open-raise and an MP flat call.
vs fc & rfi i Fold Call Raise

raise first in versus 3bet:
Hero's decision point after his open-raise got reraised by an opponent and everybody else folded.
[CO v SB 3b] – Hero's decision point after he opened from the CO and the SB reraised.
rfi vs 3bet i Fold Call Raise
UTG v MP 3b
v CO 3b
v BU 3b
v SB 3b
v BB 3b
MP v CO 3b
v BU 3b
v SB 3b
v BB 3b
CO v BU 3b
v SB 3b
v BB 3b
BU v SB 3b
v BB 3b
SB v BB 3b

raise first in versus squeeze:
Hero's decision point after his open-raise got flat called by one opponent, another opponent reraised and everybody else folded.
[MP v SB sq BU] – Hero's decision point after he opened from MP, BU flat called, SB reraised.
rfi vs sqz i Fold Call Raise
UTG v BU sq MP
v SB sq BU
MP v BU sq CO
v SB sq BU
CO v SB sq BU
v BB sq SB/BU
BU v BB sq SB

hero flat call versus squeeze:
Hero's decision point after he flat called an open-raise and another opponent reraised.
[BU v SB sq CO +] - Hero's decision point on the BU after he flat called a CO open-raise, SB reraised and the CO called.
[BU v SB sq CO -] - Hero's decision point on the BU after he flat called a CO open-raise, SB reraised and the CO folded.
herofc vs sqz i Fold Call Raise
MP v BU sq UTG+
v BU sq UTG-
v SB sq UTG+
v SB sq UTG-
CO v BU sq UTG+
v BU sq UTG-
v SB sq UTG+
v SB sq UTG-
BU v SB sq UTG+
v SB sq UTG-
v SB sq CO+
v SB sq CO-
SB v BB sq MP+
v BB sq MP-
v BB sq CO+
v BB sq CO-
v BB sq BU+
v BB sq BU-

3bet versus over4bet:
Hero's decision point after he reraised an open-raise and the open-raiser 4bet (reraised again)
[SB v MPo4b] - Hero's decision point on the SB after he reraised an MP open-raise and MP 4bet.
3bet vs over4b i Fold Call Raise
MP v UTGo4b
CO v UTGo4b
v MPo4b
BU v UTGo4b
v MPo4b
v COo4b
SB v UTGo4b
v MPo4b
v COo4b
v BUo4b
BB v UTGo4b
v MPo4b
v COo4b
v BUo4b
v SBo4b

herosqueeze versus over4bet:
Hero's decision point after he raised against an open-raise and a flat call, the initial open-raiser 4bet (reraised again) and the flat caller folded.
[BB sq v BUo4b] - Hero's decision point after he raised against a BU open & SB flat call, the BU 4bet and the SB folded.
herosqz vs over4b i Fold Call Raise
CO sq v UTGo4b
BU sq v MPo4b
SB sq v COo4b
BB sq v BUo4b

versus 3bet:
Hero's decision point against an open-raise and a reraise.
[BB v MP 3b UTG] - Hero's decision point on the BB against an UTG open-raise and an MP reraise.
vs 3bet i Fold Call Raise
CO v MP 3b UTG
BU v MP 3b UTG
v CO 3b MP
SB v MP 3b UTG
v BU 3b MP
v BU 3b CO
BB v MP 3b UTG
v BU 3b MP
v BU 3b CO
v SB 3b UTG
v SB 3b CO
v SB 3b BU

3bet versus cold4bet:
Hero's decision point after he reraised an open-raise, another opponent 4bet (reraised again) and the initial open-raiser folded.
[SB3b MP v BBc4b] - Hero's decision point on the SB after he reraised an MP open-raise, the BB 4bet, and the MP folded.
3bet vs cold4b i Fold Call Raise
MP3b UTG v BUc4b
UTG v SBc4b
CO3b MP v BUc4b
MP v SBc4b
BU3b UTG v SBc4b
MP v SBc4b
CO v SBc4b
SB3B MP v BBc4b
CO v BBc4b
BU v BBc4b

3bet versus cold4bet:
Hero's decision point after he reraised an open-raise, another opponent 4bet (reraised again) and the initial open-raiser cold-called the 4bet.
[SB v BBc4b&BUcc] - Hero's decision point on the SB after he reraised a BU open-raise, the BB 4bet, and the BU cold-called the 4bet.
3bet vs cold4b&cc i Fold Call Raise
MP v SBc4b&UTGcc
CO v SBc4b&MPcc
BU v SBc4b&COcc
SB v BBc4b&BUcc

raise first in versus cold4bet:
Hero's decision point after his open-raise got reraised by one opponent and reraised again by another opponent.
[UTG v CO] - Hero's decision point after his UTG open-raise was reraised by MP and reraised again by CO.
rfi vs cold4b i Fold Call Raise

versus cold4bet:
Hero's decision point against a cold4bet. This means an open-raise got reraised twice before hero comes to act.
[BB v SBc4bBU] - Hero's decision point after the SB 4bet against the BU who reraised the CO open-raise.
vs cold4b i Fold Call Raise
BU v COc4bMP
SB v BUc4bCO
BB v SBc4bBU